Talent Search

Let us help you find the right candidate for your company!

Our Process

With our unique process, we’ll find you top talent within 30 days… guaranteed!


Your consultant will gather detailed information from you concerning your exact hiring needs and candidate qualifications, which ensures finding the right candidate for your firm as quickly as possible. Your consultant will then send your search information for discussion to a staff allocation meeting.


Once your search begins, our research and recruiting staff’s time is scheduled and allocated to your “custom designed” search. We begin by working to develop a search strategy that is most likely to identify the ideal candidate for your specifications. We analyze in-depth, the market conditions and identify industries and companies where prospective candidates will be found.



Construction Search Group’s researchers follow a consistent sequence of thoroughly screening all possible candidates for your search assignment to your specifications. This is done through a series of time-tested and results-oriented processes. Once the right candidate is located, they are then contacted and recruited. If credentials, experience and personality are a match to your specifications, along with the desire and motivation to explore a confidential opportunity with your company, your candidate is then presented to you.


Prior to your meeting, a resume and if applicable, a project list will be forwarded to you regarding the candidate. You are also briefed on the candidate’s individual motivations, needs and goals, as well as any other “hot buttons” the candidate may have which may be critical in making a career move. You will also receive individual coaching on the best way to interview, attract, secure and negotiate with each candidate. Once this point is reached in the talent search, , Construction Search Group will then arrange a meeting between you and the candidate.



Your feedback as well as the candidate’s feedback is crucial at this point and will be obtained after your meeting. If there is mutual interest in proceeding, we will assist you in every step of the negotiating process to remove any and all barriers to ensure that you secure your ideal candidate.


Our involvement does not end when your offer is accepted by your candidate. Construction Search Group will work with you and your candidate to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible. By this point in the process, we have built a strong relationship with you, as well as the candidate. Our relationship with you does not end with the placement. We strive to maintain a long lasting partnership with you and your organization and look forward to the next talent search!

Confidential Consultation

To find out how Construction Search Group can help you, call today!